Monday, July 15, 2013

The Power of Music

Music is powerful. It can unite people from different backgrounds, provoke powerful reactions, stir up memories, and be therapeutic for stress or depression. Charles says producing music is not only therapeutic, but also adds to the fulfillment of life.

People fill their lives with variety of experience, intellect, and passion unique to their own character. Many seem to be searching for a Fountain of Youth elixir; no one wants life to run out without first experiencing everything they can. Charles feels he’s found the solution: More music!

Music affects nearly every sense in the body. It is physical in that the beats create a desire to dance and move. It is emotional in that it can provoke memories and feelings. Music is healing and can help people overcome obstacles in their lives, or simply relax. For example, Charles’ music has been used to treat cancer patients, premature babies, and Alzheimer’s patients. Music has the ability to improve cognitive abilities and relieve tension throughout the body.

Though music can be used as a healing tool for people dealing with illness, it is also an important stress reliever for people who need to let loose. The positive effects of music can be felt with listening or playing music, but Charles says there is nothing quite the same as playing one’s own music. “Improvisation is a moment in time,” says Segal. “Music is ageless.”

At 82 years old, Charles has dedicated his long life to perfecting his art on the piano keys. He says music has given him immense knowledge and discipline all while teaching him lessons about love, loss, and strength. Charles attributes his character to the life struggles and accomplishments he has experienced. In all that he has been through, his music has remained constant in his life and his heart, acting as a testament to his experiences.

Music is ideal in treating stress, but is also relatively easy to start. All a person needs to succeed in playing music is drive to start and the passion to keep going. Many people may feel intimidated when beginning to play a new instrument, but “People shouldn’t be afraid of the piano, it is more than just white and black keys,” says Segal.

Though Charles is a talented pianist and songwriter, he is also a lover of people and things. This love for life can be heard in his recordings, and musicians of any level or expertise can learn how to have the same appreciation for their art.